RSS feed source: Volcano

<!–div style="font-size:14px;text-align:center;border:3px solid blue;border-radius:5px;padding:3px;margin:5px;background:#eee"><a href="" style="text-decoration:none" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" title="Share a volcano (activity) report, submit a photo or other interesting news!” onclick=”,’Volcano Report’,’status=0,toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,height=500,width=450′);return false”>Send Volcano Report</div–> Stratovolcano 3676 m (12,060 ft)
East Java, Indonesia, -8.11°S / 112.92°E
Current status: erupting (4 out of 5) Semeru volcano eruptions:
1818, 1829, 1830, 1832, 1836, 1838, 1842, 1844, 1845, 1848, 1849(?), 1851, 1856, 1857, 1865, 1866(?), 1887, 1887, 1888, 1889-91, 1892, 1893, 1893-94, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1899, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1907, 1908, 1909-10, 1910-11, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1941-42, 1945, 1946, 1946-47, 1950-64, 1967-ongoing
Typical eruption style
Explosive. Near constant strombolian activity, occasionally stronger explosions, lava flows and pyroclastic flows.

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RSS feed source: Volcano

Sat, 15 Mar 2025, 21:00 1742072405 | BY: SEVERAL CONTRIBUTORS

Map of today’s active volcanoes

Thursday’s magnitude 4.4 earthquake in the Campi Flegrei near Naples (image:

Satellite image of Manam volcano on 15 Mar 2025

Satellite image of Ibu volcano on 15 Mar 2025

Satellite image of Lewotobi volcano on 15 Mar 2025

Satellite image of Semeru volcano on 15 Mar 2025

Campi Flegrei (Phlegrean Fields) (Italy): Italy’s Campi Flegrei (Phlegrean Fields) volcano near Naples city is getting more and more restless. A magnitude 3.9 earthquake occurred an hour ago, leaving many worried about the state of the caldera volcano. It followed the magnitude 4.4 earthquake that shock the area at 01:25 on 13 March 2025 and woke many from their sleep.
The earthquake was very shallow at a depth of 2.5 km and had its epicenter close to the coast half way between the towns of Pozzuoli and Bagnoli. As

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RSS feed source: Volcano

Support us – Help us upgrade our services! We truly love working to bring you the latest volcano and earthquake data from around the world. Maintaining our website and our free apps does require, however, considerable time and resources.
We need financing to increase hard- and software capacity as well as support our editor team. We’re aiming to achieve uninterrupted service wherever an earthquake or volcano eruption unfolds, and your donations can make it happen! Every donation will be highly appreciated. If you find the information useful and would like to support our team in integrating further features, write great content, and in upgrading our soft- and hardware, please make a donation (PayPal).

Planned features:

Improved multilanguage supportTsunami alertsFaster responsivenessThanks to your past donations, these features have been added recently:Design upgradeDetailed quake statsAdditional seismic data sourcesDownload and Upgrade the Volcanoes & Earthquakes app to get one of

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RSS feed source: Volcano

Support us – Help us upgrade our services! We truly love working to bring you the latest volcano and earthquake data from around the world. Maintaining our website and our free apps does require, however, considerable time and resources.
We need financing to increase hard- and software capacity as well as support our editor team. We’re aiming to achieve uninterrupted service wherever an earthquake or volcano eruption unfolds, and your donations can make it happen! Every donation will be highly appreciated. If you find the information useful and would like to support our team in integrating further features, write great content, and in upgrading our soft- and hardware, please make a donation (PayPal).

Planned features:

Improved multilanguage supportTsunami alertsFaster responsivenessThanks to your past donations, these features have been added recently:Design upgradeDetailed quake statsAdditional seismic data sourcesDownload and Upgrade the Volcanoes & Earthquakes app to get one of

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