RSS feed source: Environmental Protection Agency--Air Quality

CHICAGO (May 2, 2024) – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced $240,899,000 from President Biden’s Investing in America agenda to help Illinois identify and replace lead service lines, preventing exposure to lead in drinking water. Lead can cause a range of serious health impacts, including irreversible harm to brain development in children. To protect children and families, President Biden has committed to replacing every lead pipe in the country. Today’s announcement, funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and available through EPA’s successful Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF), takes another major step to advance this work and the Administration’s commitment to environmental justice. This funding builds on the Administration’s Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan and EPA’s Get the Lead Out Initiative.

Working collaboratively, EPA and the State Revolving Funds are advancing the President’s Justice40 Initiative to ensure that 40% of overall benefits from certain federal investments flow to disadvantaged communities that are marginalized by underinvestment and overburdened by pollution. Lead exposure disproportionately affects communities of color and low-income families. The total funding announced through this program to date is expected to replace up to 1.7 million lead pipes nationwide, securing clean drinking water for countless families.  

“The science is clear, there is no safe level of lead exposure, and the primary source of harmful exposure in drinking water is through lead

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RSS feed source: Environmental Protection Agency--Air Quality

Governo Biden-Harris anuncia US$ 3 bilhões para substituição de tubos de chumbo para promover água potável segura como parte da agenda de investimento nos Estados Unidos

EPA anuncia última rodada de financiamento para o compromisso do presidente Biden de substituir todos os canos de chumbo do país, protegendo a saúde pública e ajudando a fornecer água potável segura

Contato: Assessoria de Imprensa da EPA ([email protected])

WASHINGTON – Hoje, 2 de maio, a Agência de Proteção Ambiental dos EUA anunciou US$ 3 bilhões da agenda Investir na América do presidente Biden para ajudar todos os estados e territórios a identificar e substituir linhas de serviço de chumbo, evitando a exposição ao chumbo na água potável. O chumbo pode causar uma série de impactos graves na saúde, incluindo danos irreversíveis ao desenvolvimento do cérebro das crianças. Para proteger as crianças e as famílias, o presidente Biden se comprometeu a substituir todos os tubos de chumbo do país. O anúncio de hoje, financiado pela Lei Bipartidária de Infraestrutura e disponível através do bem-sucedido Fundo Rotativo do Estado de Água Potável (DWSRF) da EPA, dá mais um passo importante para avançar esse trabalho e o compromisso do governo com a justiça ambiental. Este fundo se baseia no Plano de ação para tubos e pintura de chumbo do governo e na Iniciativa Get the Lead Out da

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RSS feed source: Environmental Protection Agency--Air Quality

The SAE World Congress Experience (WCX) 2024 was held on April 16–18, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. The event attracts researchers, government officials, and the engineering community to discuss the mobility industry’s biggest challenges, including the

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RSS feed source: Environmental Protection Agency--Air Quality

SEATTLE (April 23, 2024) – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced Alaska Energy Authority and the Tanana Chiefs Conference have each been selected to receive $62,450,000 through the Solar for All grant competition to develop long-lasting solar programs that enable low-income and disadvantaged communities to deploy and benefit from distributed residential solar. These awards are part of the historic $27 billion Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, which was created under President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act to lower energy costs for families, create good-quality jobs in communities that have been left behind, advance environmental justice, and tackle the climate crisis.  

Alaska Energy Authority’s program will deploy solar photovoltaic infrastructure across the state. The program will span from urban, residential projects to community-scale, rural projects across Alaska. Implementation of solar infrastructure will reduce greenhouse gas emissions across the state while providing low-income and disadvantaged communities access to renewable energy. This program will not only offer Alaskans further access to renewable energy, but also provide funding to develop the local Alaskan workforce. The program will stimulate the solar industry in the state, mobilize financing and private capital to advance additional deployment of greenhouse gas and air pollution-reducing projects.    

“President Biden committed to making the largest investment in our nation’s history to combat global climate change. Our announcement today ensures every community has a green energy future,”

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