RSS feed source: US Energy Information Administration

In-brief analysis

March 4, 2025

Data source: Baker Hughes Company

The number of rigs deployed to drill for natural gas in the United States decreased over the last two years. U.S. natural gas-directed rigs decreased 32% (50 rigs) between December 2022 and December 2024. This decline has been concentrated in the natural gas-rich Haynesville and Appalachia regions, where the combined natural gas rig count declined by 34% during 2023 (43 rigs) and by 24% during 2024 (21 rigs). The decline in drilling rigs coincides with record-low natural gas prices for most of 2024 and the wider adoption of advanced drilling and completion technologies.

In the Haynesville region, which spans Texas and Louisiana, drilling costs tend to be higher than in other plays because Haynesville wells are drilled to greater depths, usually between 10,500 feet and

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RSS feed source: US Energy Information Administration

In-brief analysis

March 3, 2025

In 2026, we forecast that inventories of the three largest transportation fuels in the United States—motor gasoline, distillate fuel oil, and jet fuel—will fall to their lowest levels since 2000 in our February Short-Term Energy Outlook.

Two pending refinery closures will reduce U.S. production of refined petroleum products. When combined with our forecast of growing consumption, we expect inventories for the three fuels to decline through 2026. We forecast inventories for these fuels will end next year at 375 million barrels, the lowest since 2000 when they ended the year at 358 million barrels.

Inventory withdrawals tend to increase wholesale and retail fuel prices because market participants must meet demand by competing for a smaller pool of refinery production. As a result, we also forecast wholesale refinery margins for the three

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RSS feed source: US Energy Information Administration

In-brief analysis

February 26, 2025

According to our Natural Gas Annual Respondent Query System, 1,653 natural gas delivery companies delivered natural gas to end-use customers in 2023 in the United States. A delivery company is defined as any entity that delivers natural gas directly to end users. Natural gas deliveries by pipeline companies to the electric power sector made up the largest share of deliveries to end-use consumers, accounting for 33% of all natural gas delivered to end-use consumers in 2023.

Pipeline companies generally deliver large volumes of natural gas to high-volume end users, accounting for most of the deliveries to industrial facilities and electric power plants. The electric power sector and industrial sector are the largest and second-largest consuming sectors, respectively. Pipeline companies delivered 75%, or 27.1 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d), of the natural

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RSS feed source: US Energy Information Administration

In-brief analysis

February 25, 2025

Electricity generators plan to retire 12.3 gigawatts (GW) of capacity in 2025, a 65% increase in retirements compared with 2024. Last year, 7.5 GW was retired from the U.S. power grid, the least generation retired since 2011, according to data reported to us in our latest inventory of electric generators. Coal generating capacity accounts for the largest share of planned capacity retirements (66%), followed by natural gas (21%).

Coal. Electric generators report that they plan to retire 8.1 GW of coal-fired capacity in 2025, or 4.7% of the total U.S. coal fleet that was in operation at the end of 2024. Coal retirements decreased to 4.0 GW last year, less than the 9.8 GW of coal capacity retired in each of the last 10 years.

The largest U.S. coal plant that

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