RSS feed source: National Science Foundation


The main goal of the S-STEM program is to enable academically talented, low-income students to pursue successful careers in promising STEM fields. Ultimately, the S-STEM program seeks to increase the number of academically promising low-income students who graduate with an S-STEM eligible degree and contribute to the American innovation economy with their STEM knowledge. Recognizing that financial aid alone cannot increase retention and graduation in STEM, the program provides awards to institutions of higher education (IHEs) not only to fund scholarships, but also to adapt, implement, and study evidence-based curricular and co-curricular[a] activities that have been shown to be effective in supporting recruitment, retention, transfer (if appropriate), student success, academic/career pathways, and graduation in STEM.

To be eligible, scholars must be domestic low-income students with academic ability, talent, or potential and demonstrated unmet financial need who are enrolled in an associate, baccalaureate, or

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RSS feed source: National Science Foundation

NSF Financial Assistance awards (grants and cooperative agreements) made on or after October 1, 2024, will be subject to the applicable set of award conditions, dated October 1, 2024, available on the NSF website. These terms and conditions are consistent with the revised guidance specified in the OMB Guidance for Federal Financial Assistance published in the Federal Register on April 22, 2024.

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RSS feed source: National Science Foundation


The Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions (CEDAR) program supports research to increase our understanding of the behavior of atmospheric regions from the middle atmosphere upward through the thermosphere and ionosphere into the exosphere. Projects explore coupling, energetics, chemistry, and dynamics on regional and global scales. The research topics include investigations of upper atmosphere responses due to a) processes driven by the lower atmospheric perturbations and (b) solar radiation and particle inputs from above. The activities supported by this program include observations from ground-based and space-based platforms, as well as theory and modeling of the upper atmosphere of the Earth and other planets in our solar systems.   Novel approaches that include AI and ML tools and open data and open science practices are encouraged.

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RSS feed source: National Science Foundation


The NSF SBIR/STTR and SBIR/STTR Fast-Track pilot programs support moving scientific excellence and technological innovation from the lab to the market. By funding startups and small businesses, NSF helps build a strong national economy and stimulates the creation of novel products, services, and solutions in private, public, or government sectors with potential for broad impact; strengthens the role of small business in meeting federal research and development needs; increases the commercial application of federally supported research results; and develops and increases the US workforce, especially by fostering and encouraging participation by socially and economically disadvantaged and women-owned small businesses.

These NSF SBIR/STTR Fast-Track pilot programs provide fixed amount cooperative agreements for the development of a broad range of technologies based on discoveries in science and engineering with potential for societal and economic impacts. Unlike fundamental or basic research activities that focus on scientific and engineering discovery

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