RSS feed source: National Science Foundation

Award information

Anticipated Funding Amount is $800,000 pending availability of funds. Project budgets should be developed at scales appropriate for the work to be conducted. The total direct costs for CA DDRIG awards may not exceed $25,000; applicable indirect costs are in addition to (that is, on top of) that amount.

The proposer may concurrently submit a doctoral dissertation proposal to other funding organizations. Please indicate this in the “Current and Pending Support” section of the NSF proposal, so that NSF may coordinate funding with the other organizations. The “Current and Pending Support” section of the NSF proposal should also list the proposal itself. The proposer may submit a DDRIG proposal to only one NSF program although they may request that the proposal be co-reviewed with one or more other NSF programs; actual co-review will be at the discretion of the relevant program

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RSS feed source: National Science Foundation


The Cognitive Neuroscience (CogNeuro) Program seeks to fund proposals that can advance our understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying human cognition and behavior. Funded proposals typically advance theories in cognitive neuroscience by relating precise and rich quantifications of physiology, cognition and behavior with each other (Intellectual Merit). Funded proposals also typically strengthen the field through, for example, outreach, mentoring the next generation of diverse cognitive neuroscientists and/or increasing awareness and utilization of the research the field produces (Broader Impacts).

Intellectual Merit
In general, successful proposals provide a theoretical motivation for a series of experiments and analyses that test the differential predictions of that theory; they go beyond quantifying physiology associated with cognition and behavior. Research topics considered for funding include but are not limited to: action, perception, imagery, recognition, categorization, learning and memory, working memory, attention, language, problem solving, decision-making and social reasoning. Commensurate

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RSS feed source: National Science Foundation


The primary objective of the Cultural Anthropology Program is to support fundamental, systematic anthropological research and training to increase understanding of the causes, consequences and complexities of human social and cultural variability. The Cultural Anthropology Program welcomes proposals from researchers in all sub-fields of cultural anthropology and research at any temporal or spatial scale. Methodologies and approaches employed may include ethnographic field research, surveys, remote sensing, the collection of bio-markers, experimental research inside or outside of laboratory settings, archival research, the analysis of materials collections and extant data bases, mathematical and computational modeling and other research tools as appropriate for the proposed research. The overarching research goals should be to produce empirically grounded findings that will be generalizable beyond particular case studies and contribute to building a more robust anthropological science of human society and culture.

The National Science Foundation’s mandate is to

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