RSS feed source: National Science Foundation


The Law & Science Program considers proposals that address social scientific studies of law and law-like systems of rules, as well as studies of how science and technology are applied in legal contexts. The Program is inherently interdisciplinary and multi-methodological. Successful proposals describe research that advances scientific theory and understanding of the connections between human behavior and law, legal institutions, or legal processes; or the interactions of law and basic sciences, including biology, computer and information sciences, STEM education, engineering, geosciences, and math and physical sciences. Scientific studies of law often approach law as dynamic, interacting with multiple arenas, and with the participation of multiple actors. Fields of study include many disciplines, and often address problems including, though not limited, to:

Crime, Violence, and Policing Cyberspace Economic Issues Environmental Science Evidentiary Issues Forensic Science Governance and Courts Human Rights and Comparative Law Information Technology Legal and Ethical Issues

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RSS feed source: National Science Foundation


The National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) will support up to 10 awards annually to enable active research by cohorts of middle school teachers, high school teachers and/or community college faculty. Research Experiences for Teachers Sites (RET Sites; RETS) will be based at institutions of higher learning or other non-profit organizations in the U.S. that conduct educational and research activities. RETS with a focus on Biological Sciences (BIORETS) will include research projects in fields that are supported by the Directorate for Biological Sciences. BIORETS may be based in a single discipline or department or may offer interdisciplinary or multi-department research opportunities with a coherent intellectual theme. An important goal of the program is to increase the participation of underrepresented groups in biological research and those from geographically underrepresented areas in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Proposals are strongly encouraged to

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RSS feed source: National Science Foundation

Award information

The anticipated funding amount is $600,000 to $800,000 per fiscal year (1 October through 30 September), pending availability of funds.

Project budgets should be developed at scales appropriate for the work to be conducted. Proposal budgets cannot exceed $25,000 in direct costs for the entire duration of the award. Indirect costs are in addition to this direct cost amount and are subject to the awardee’s current federally negotiated indirect cost rate. The maximum project duration is 24 months.

The proposer may concurrently submit a doctoral dissertation proposal to other funding organizations. Please indicate this in the “Current and Pending Support” section of the NSF proposal, so that NSF may coordinate funding with the other organizations. 

Estimated number of awards description –

It is anticipated that 25 to 40 DDRIG awards will be made per fiscal year.

Proposals may

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RSS feed source: National Science Foundation

Due by 5pm submitting organization’s local time

Submission windows are for senior awards, scholars awards, RUIs, RCNs and stand-alone community-engaged research awards. Other proposals, including supplement proposals, are accepted on a rolling basis, while programs with separate solicitations, including CAREER and MCA, have their own deadlines specified in their separate program guidelines.

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