RSS feed source: US Energy Information Administration

In-brief analysis

March 3, 2025

In 2026, we forecast that inventories of the three largest transportation fuels in the United States—motor gasoline, distillate fuel oil, and jet fuel—will fall to their lowest levels since 2000 in our February Short-Term Energy Outlook.

Two pending refinery closures will reduce U.S. production of refined petroleum products. When combined with our forecast of growing consumption, we expect inventories for the three fuels to decline through 2026. We forecast inventories for these fuels will end next year at 375 million barrels, the lowest since 2000 when they ended the year at 358 million barrels.

Inventory withdrawals tend to increase wholesale and retail fuel prices because market participants must meet demand by competing for a smaller pool of refinery production. As a result, we also forecast wholesale refinery margins for the three

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RSS feed source: US Energy Information Administration


With over 85 years of rich heritage, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has evolved alongside society and made pivotal contributions to the development of Hong Kong, the Nation and the world. The University pursues world-class excellence in education, research and knowledge transfer to nurture socially responsible leaders and professionals, as well as to drive impactful research and innovation. PolyU will strive to continually excel as an innovative world-class university that makes a positive impact on society, living up to the University’s motto: “To learn and to apply, for the benefit of mankind”.

Ranked among the top 100 universities globally by well-known ranking organisations such as Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), Times Higher Education (THE) and U.S. News & World Report, PolyU offers a wide range of world-class educational and research programmes in seven faculties and three independent schools. PolyU

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RSS feed source: US Energy Information Administration

Assistant Professorship (W1) „Neuroergonomics“

The University of Stuttgart is one of the leading technically oriented universities in Germany in one of Europe’s most vibrant high-tech and industrial areas. The university is a reliable employer, partner for technology transfer and is committed to the interdisciplinary integration of engineering, natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences based on the fundamentals of cutting-edge research at a disciplinary level.

At the University of Stuttgart, the Faculty of Design, Production and Automotive Engineering has a vacancy for a W1 professorship in “Neuroergonomics” (without tenure track). The professorship is situated at the Institute of Human Factors and Technology Management (IAT). The person sought should represent the subject of Neuroergonomics in research and teaching, be internationally recognized in their research, have experience in cooperation with industry and

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RSS feed source: US Energy Information Administration


The objective of the Cybersecurity Innovation for Cyberinfrastructure (CICI) program is to advance scientific discovery and innovation by enhancing the security and privacy of cyberinfrastructure. CICI supports efforts to develop, deploy and integrate cybersecurity that will benefit the broader scientific community by securing science data, computation, collaborations workflows, and infrastructure. CICI recognizes the unique nature of modern, complex, data-driven, distributed, rapid, and collaborative science and the breadth of infrastructure and requirements across scientific disciplines, practitioners, researchers, and projects. CICI seeks proposals in four program areas:

1.  Usable and Collaborative Security for Science (UCSS): Projects in this program area should support novel and/or applied security and usability research that facilitates scientific collaboration, encourages the adoption of security into the scientific workflow, and helps create a holistic, integrated security environment that spans the entire scientific cyberinfrastructure ecosystem.

2.  Reference Scientific Security Datasets (RSSD): Projects in

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