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RSS feed source: National Science Foundation

U.S. National Science Foundation

Directorate for STEM Education
     Division of Graduate Education

Directorate for Biological Sciences

Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering

Directorate for Engineering

Directorate for Geosciences

Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences

Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships

Office of Integrative Activities

Full Proposal Deadline(s) (due by 5 p.m. submitting organization’s local time):

     November 14, 2024

     September 08, 2025

     September 8, Annually Thereafter

Important Information And Revision Notes

Proposals may be submitted under two tracks (i.e., Track 1 and Track 2). All projects should include a focus on STEM graduate students in research-based PhD and/or master’s degree programs. Track 1 proposals may request a total budget up to $3 million for projects up to five years in duration; Track 2 proposals may request a total budget up to $2 million for projects up to five years in duration; NSF

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