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RSS feed source: US Energy Information Administration

In-brief analysis

February 26, 2025

According to our Natural Gas Annual Respondent Query System, 1,653 natural gas delivery companies delivered natural gas to end-use customers in 2023 in the United States. A delivery company is defined as any entity that delivers natural gas directly to end users. Natural gas deliveries by pipeline companies to the electric power sector made up the largest share of deliveries to end-use consumers, accounting for 33% of all natural gas delivered to end-use consumers in 2023.

Pipeline companies generally deliver large volumes of natural gas to high-volume end users, accounting for most of the deliveries to industrial facilities and electric power plants. The electric power sector and industrial sector are the largest and second-largest consuming sectors, respectively. Pipeline companies delivered 75%, or 27.1 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d), of the natural

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