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RSS feed source: National Science Foundation


What is the goal of the NSF Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems (POSE) program?

The goal of the NSF POSE program is to fund new open-source ecosystem (OSE) managing organizations, each responsible for the creation and maintenance of infrastructure needed for efficient and secure operation of an OSE focused on a specific open-source product or class of products. The early and intentional formation of such managing organizations is expected to enhance the distributed development process, improve coordination of developer contributions, increase the size of the user community, and enable more focused route to impactful technologies.

The POSE program is not intended to fund:

compensation for the developers of the open-source research products, including tools and artifacts; existing, well-resourced open-source communities, organizations, and/or ecosystems; or the development of products that are unavailable for open use.

Proposers working on a product where

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