RSS feed source: Environmental Protection Agency

EPA to Hold Open House August 7

July 26, 2024

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On July 15, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency began oversight of barrier installation to reduce contamination concentrations in groundwater at the Franklin Power Products/Amphenol site in Franklin, Indiana. EPA will hold an open house on Wednesday, August 7, to answer residents’ questions about the cleanup and construction work at the site, anticipated to take 1-2 months.

To break down the remaining contamination at the site, crews are installing “permeable reactive barriers” along Forsythe Street and Hamilton Avenue. These barriers will treat affected soil and groundwater. Long-term monitoring of groundwater will continue after construction is completed to track the performance of the barriers. Residents may see increased truck traffic and heavy equipment around the site during this time.

The open house will be an opportunity for residents with questions

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RSS feed source: Environmental Protection Agency

Demolition and soil cleanup come to an end as sediment cleanup and groundwater monitoring ramps up

July 26, 2024

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Fairfield, N.J. (July 26, 2024) – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced that it is delivering on its promise to Invest in America and clean up Superfund sites that have been waiting for funding. Using a total of about $30 million in funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, EPA has demolished the heavily contaminated building at the Unimatic Manufacturing Corp. Superfund site in Fairfield, N.J. and has finished removing contaminated soil from the site. In September, U.S. Army Corps contractors will dig up and remove sediment in wetlands and streams downstream from this site and will also monitor groundwater. EPA Regional Administrator Lisa F. Garcia and U.S. Rep. Mikie Sherrill joined state and local partners at the site

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RSS feed source: Environmental Protection Agency

Joint effort to identify PFAS releases near Army installations builds on critical actions EPA is taking to protect public health from harmful “forever chemicals”

July 26, 2024

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WASHINGTON – Today, July 26, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army announced today a joint project to conduct sampling and testing of private drinking water wells located near Army installations for the presence of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). This effort will inform Army remedial actions if results indicate that PFAS is found in drinking water, because PFAS contamination has spread and may potentially be impacting the drinking water wells of nearby residents.

The joint EPA-Army sampling and testing project, which is being implemented nationally, has identified a priority list of nine installations out of 235 locations. As initial work is completed, EPA and the Army will evaluate additional

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RSS feed source: Environmental Protection Agency

EPA, 바이든 대통령의 미국 투자 의제가 전달한 사상 최대 단일 환경 정의 투자인 20억 달러 규모의 인플레이션 감축 법안(IRA) 프로그램에서 초기 선정 발표

July 25, 2024

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워싱턴 – 오늘, 2024년 7월 25일, 미국 환경보호국은 빈곤한 지역사회가 오염을 줄이고 지역사회의 기후 회복력을 높이며 지역사회 역량을 구축하는 프로젝트를 통해 환경 및 기후 정의 문제를 해결할 수 있도록 지원하기 위해 선정된 21개 신청에 대해 3억 2,500만 달러 이상의 자금을 지원한다고 발표했습니다. 바이든 대통령의 인플레이션 감축 법안으로 가능해진 지역사회 변화 보조금 프로그램은 환경 및 기후 정의에서 역사상 단일 최대 투자입니다. 오늘 자금 지원 발표는 신청한 지역사회에 선착순으로 보조금을 지급하도록 설계된 프로그램에서 거의 20억 달러에 달하는 첫 번째 트란쉐입니다.

이렇게 선정된 신청은 지역사회 변화 보조금 프로그램의 선착순 신청 프로세스를 따르는 첫 번째 신청입니다. 확고한 이해관계자의 참여와 지역사회의 피드백에 따라 혁신적인 선착순 신청 프로세스는 신청자가 이 역사적인 자원을 준비하고 활용할 충분한 시간을 갖도록 보장합니다.

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