Akyarlar volcano (Turkey): magnitude 2.7 earthquakeA magnitude 2.7 earthquake occurred at the volcano 11 hours ago. The quake, which might be volcanic in origin, was located at a depth of 1.0 km depth at 17 km distance S from the volcano. Earthquake details: M 2.7 quake: KOS ADASI (MEDITERRANEAN SEA) on Mon, 4 Feb 13h18 (17 km S)writeAge(1549286320) All earthquakes at Akyarlar Bardarbunga…

Clear Lake volcano (California): 13 earthquakes up to magnitude 1.4Possible earthquake swarm: 13 earthquakes occurred near (under) the volcano during 21 hours, the last being recorded quake 1 hour 53 minutes ago. Hypocenter depths ranged between 3.3 and 1.3 km. Earthquake details: (only 5 largest) M 1.4 quake: 6km NW of The Geysers, CA on Tue, 29 Jan 21h57 (17 km S)writeAge(1548799039) M 1.4…