Now in its 25th year, the International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST) is one of the longest-running research conferences related to sustainability and the intersection of technology, policy, and behavior.  The conference brings together a vibrant community of engineers, scientists, professionals, and educators, sharing cutting-edge research and forming interdisciplinary teams for future collaboration.


  • Resilient infrastructure systems
  • Advances in circular economy
  • Life cycle assessment of emerging technologies

Resilience week is a co-sponsored symposium dedicated to promising research in resilient systems that will protect critical cyber-physical infrastructures from unexpected and malicious threats – securing our way of life. This year marks the third annual Student Competition. Undergraduate and graduate students are invited to present original research on one of the related themes.


  • Control systems
  • Cyber systems
  • Cognitive systems
  • Communication systems

The National Council for Science and the Environment will convene at the NCSE 2018 National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy, and the Environment to focus on the Science, Business, and Education of Sustainable Infrastructure: Building Resilience in a Changing World.

Through the showcasing of practical examples from domestic and international campuses, communities, and businesses, we’ll begin the process of addressing “the three central challenges now facing the global community, as crystallized in 2015: to reignite global growth, deliver on the sustainable development goals (SDGs), and invest in the future of the planet through strong climate action. At the heart of this new global agenda is the imperative to invest in sustainable infrastructure.”

With much focus on convergence, the CIP track of the programme delivers discussions to review the potential threats to critical infrastructure, smart construction and building in security resilience, and a focus on ‘Transport, Energy & Telecomms Infrastructure’, three key elements of a countries economic activity.

With the ever increasing threat from cyber attacks on critical infrastructure, the information and data stored and used by CNI systems and operators can be more crucial than the system itself. CIIP is becoming ever more important as part of the cyber security strategy of an organisation or CNI operator.

As human infrastructure continues to grow and spread, so too do the risks posed by a range of hazards including flooding, extreme weather, temperature fluctuations, major accidents, terrorism, cyber attacks and wildfires.

At Resilience 2018, we’ll focus on building resilience from an all-hazards perspective for a range of critical infrastructure including transportation, water, telecommunications, government and energy. Some of this discussion will be framed within the context of case studies from recent emergencies, including the impact on critical infrastructure from the floods that occurred in Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia and the 2017 wildfire season in Canada.