RSS feed source: International Atomic Energy Association--Nuclear & Radiological Events

Accidential Exposure of Industrial Radiography Worker

Print View Posted on: 26 December 2024

Event Date: 03 December 2015 Event Type: Radiation Source Event Location: Korea, Republic of, Pyungtaek INES Rating: 3 (Final)

On December 3, 2015, an industrial radiography worker repeatedly conducted NDT without realizing that a sealed radioactive source(Ir-192, 1.1 TBq) had not been properly retracted and remained at the end of the guide tube. On December 8, the worker began feeling symptoms such as pain, redness, and blisters on both hands. Although the worker received treatment at a common hospital, no further actions were taken at that time. On January 27, 2016, the incident was reported to the regulatory authority, and the worker received treatment at a specialized hospital on radiation hazard. The equivalent dose to the worker’s hands was estimated to be approximately 30 Sv.

INES Rating: 3 – Serious incident (Final) as per 29 July 2016

Impact on people and the environment Release beyond authorized limits? No Overexposure of a member of the public?

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RSS feed source: International Atomic Energy Association--Nuclear & Radiological Events

Accidential Exposure of Industrial Radiography Worker

Print View Posted on: 26 December 2024

Event Date: 20 April 2015 Event Type: Radiation Source Event Location: Korea, Republic of, Busan INES Rating: 2 (Final)

On April 20, 2015, two workers were conducting a industrial radiography for Non-Destructive Test on the welds of a large steel product. During the process, the guide tube of the irradiator was not properly connected, causing the radiation source (Co-60, 1.85 TBq) to be withdrawn but not retrieved. One of the workers entered the radiographic testing room to retrieve the radiation source but accidentally stepped on the source without realizing its location, resulting in radiation exposure. On May 6, 2015, erythema was observed on the sole of his right foot, leading to the recognition of excessive radiation exposure. The doses were assessed as an effective dose of 0.9 mSv and a foot equivalent dose of 2.5 Sv.

INES Rating: 2 – Incident (Final) as per 29 November 2015

Impact on people and the environment Release beyond authorized limits? No

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RSS feed source: International Atomic Energy Association--Nuclear & Radiological Events

Accidential Exposure of Industrial Radiography Worker

Print View Posted on: 26 December 2024

Event Date: 26 June 2014 Event Type: Radiation Source Event Location: Korea, Republic of, Ulsan INES Rating: 3 (Final)

On June 26, 2014, during the setup and operation of testing equipment for industrial radiography, a radiation exposure incident occurred. The support structure of the equipment fell onto the guide tube, causing it to deform and disabling the retrieval of the radiation source(Co-60, 2.1 TBq). While attempting to repair the damaged portion of the guide tube by hand, the worker was exposed to radiation. The personal dosimeter reading indicated an effective dose of 117.1 mSv. Radiation burns were observed on the worker’s hand, and the hand equivalent dose was estimated to be between 10 and 25.8 Sv.

INES Rating: 3 – Serious incident (Final) as per 07 September 2014

Impact on people and the environment Release beyond authorized limits? No Overexposure of a member of the public? No Overexposure of

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RSS feed source: International Atomic Energy Association--Nuclear & Radiological Events

Package containing four radioactive sources lost.

Print View Posted on: 18 December 2024

Event Date: 13 December 2024 Event Type: Transportation Event Location: Spain, Madrid Airport (Adolfo Suarez-Barajas Airport) INES Rating: 1 (Final)

On Thursday 12th December 2024, LOMA SYSTEMS S.R.O. sent from the Czech Republic a B(U) package, model NE4C, with 4 encapsulated radioactive sources of Se-75 (used for industrial radiography) to a radioactive facility located in Madrid. The package was sent from Prague airport, with ticket number AWB 797-1000 2016 of the airline TRAVEL SERVICE, A.S., on flight QS1056, which arrived at 13:05 at Madrid – Barajas Airport.
On Friday 13th, staff of the consignee went to the cargo handling facility to pick up the package and transport it by road to the radioactive facility. Once there, they were unable to pick up the package as the handling agent indicated that they had no notification of receipt of the package at their facilities and therefore did not know its location.
Throughout Friday, the consignee searched for information at the cargo at origin (Prague) and destination (Madrid) with the customs broker, freight forwarders, consignor and airline, but the result was unsuccessful.

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