RSS feed source: National Institute of Health

Participating Organization(s)

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Components of Participating Organizations

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)

Funding Opportunity Title

NHLBI Clinical Trial Pilot Studies (R34 Clinical Trial Optional)

Activity Code

R34 Planning Grant

Announcement Type

Related Notices

April 4, 2024 – Overview of Grant Application and Review Changes for Due Dates on or after January 25, 2025. See Notice NOT-OD-24-084.August 31, 2022– Implementation Changes for Genomic Data Sharing Plans Included with Applications Due on or after January 25, 2023. See Notice NOT-OD-22-198.August 5, 2022– Implementation Details for the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy. See Notice NOT-OD-22-189.

Funding Opportunity Number (FON)


Companion Funding Opportunity

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RSS feed source: National Institute of Health

Notice of NIDCD Participation in RFA-EY-25-001, “BRAIN Initiative: New Concepts and Early-Stage Research for Recording and Modulation in the Nervous System (R21) (Clinical Trial Not Allowed)”

The purpose of this Notice is to inform potential applicants that the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) will participate in RFA-EY-25-001, “BRAIN Initiative: New Concepts and Early-Stage Research for Recording and Modulation in the Nervous System (R21) (Clinical Trial Not Allowed)” effective January 6, 2025. 

The following text has been added to reflect NIDCD’s participation:

Part 1. Overview Information

National Eye Institute (NEI)

National Institute on Aging (NIA)

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD)

Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)

Assistance Listing Number(s)

93.867, 93.213, 93.866, 93.173,

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RSS feed source: National Institute of Health

Notice of NIH Participation in the National Science Foundation Molecular Foundations for Biotechnology (MFB) Partnerships to Transform Emerging Industries Program

The purpose of this notice is to announce that the NIH is collaborating on the multi-agency funding opportunity, Molecular Foundations for Biotechnology (MFB) Partnerships to Transform Emerging Industries (NSF 24-607). 

The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will participate in the MFB initiative led by the National Science Foundation (NSF). MFB applications must aim to develop and provide proof-of-concept testing of tools, methodology and/or accelerate fundamental discoveries about RNA structure, interactions, and functions at molecular or genome and transcriptome-wide scales. The proposed research and outcomes should have significant relevance to physiological conditions. The program will also prioritize projects with potential for biotechnology applications that impact economic sectors such as agriculture

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RSS feed source: National Institute of Health

The purpose of this notice is to inform applicants of a change to the Key Dates for RFA-OD-22-014, “Specialized Centers of Research Excellence (SCORE) on Sex Differences (U54 Clinical Trial Optional)”. The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) has been extended to add a new application due date of March 13, 2025, and a new expiration date of March 14, 2025.

The additional receipt date, March 13, 2025, has been added for new, renewal, and resubmission applications. 

This Notice of Change is replacing NOT-OD-24-159 that was published on July 31, 2024.

The changes below are in bold italics.

The Notice of Funding Opportunity currently reads as:

Key Dates

Application Due Date(s) September 30, 2022 and August 15, 2024. All applications are due by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization. All types of non-AIDS applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due on the listed date(s).

Applicants are encouraged to apply early

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