RSS feed source: US Environmental Protection Agency--Climate Change

EPA announces latest round of funding toward President Biden’s commitment to replace every lead pipe in the nation, protecting public health and helping to deliver safe drinking water

May 2, 2024

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WASHINGTON – Today, May 2, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced $3 billion from President Biden’s Investing in America agenda to help every state and territory identify and replace lead service lines, preventing exposure to lead in drinking water. Lead can cause a range of serious health impacts, including irreversible harm to brain development in children. To protect children and families, President Biden has committed to replacing every lead pipe in the country. Today’s announcement, funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and available through EPA’s successful Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF), takes another major step to advance this work and the Administration’s commitment to environmental justice.

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RSS feed source: US Environmental Protection Agency--Climate Change

拜登哈里斯政府宣布为“投资美国之旅”计划的组成部分“更换铅管促进饮用水安全”提供 30 亿美元拨款


联系人:EPA 新闻办公室 ([email protected])

华盛顿 – 今天(5 月 2 日),美国国家环境保护局 (EPA) 宣布从拜登总统的“投资美国之旅”计划中拨款 30 亿美元,用于帮助各州和领地识别和更换含铅供水管道,防止饮用水中的铅暴露。铅会对健康造成一系列严重影响,包括对儿童大脑发育造成不可逆转的伤害。为了保护儿童和家庭,拜登总统承诺更换全美所有铅管。今天公布的拨款由《两党基础设施法》提供资金,通过 EPA 颇为成功的饮用水州循环基金 (DWSRF) 获取,使得推进这项工作和兑现政府对环境正义的承诺又迈出一大步。这项拨款基于政府的含铅管道和油漆行动计划以及 EPA 清除铅倡议

EPA 和州循环基金携手合作,推进总统的 Justice40 计划,以确保一些联邦投资总收益的 40% 流向因投资不足和污染过重而被边缘化的弱势社区。铅暴露对有色人种社区和低收入家庭的影响尤为严重。迄今为止,EPA 的“含铅供水管道更换饮用水州循环基金”计划已宣布获得 90 亿美元的总拨款,预计将在全国范围内更换多达 170 万条铅管,为无数家庭提供清洁的饮用水。

EPA 局长 Michael S. Regan 表示:“科学明确表明,没有安全的铅暴露水平,饮用水中有害暴露的主要来源就是铅管。“拜登总统深知,尽快识别和清除铅管至关重要,他已为各州和领地争取到大量资源,加快永久性清除危险铅管的进程,实现一劳永逸。”

拜登总统的《两党基础设施法》历史性地投资了 150 亿美元,用于识别和更换含铅供水管道。这项法律规定,通过 DWSRF 一般补充拨款和 DWSRF 含铅供水管道更换专项拨款提供的资金中,49% 必须以赠款和可免除贷款的形式提供给弱势社区,对于长期以来投资不足的社区而言,这是一项至关重要的投资。根据最新的第七次饮用水基础设施需求调查和评估收集的数据,EPA 预计全美共有 900 万条含铅供水管道。今天宣布的拨款将专门用于含铅供水管道的识别和更换,并将帮助各州和领地为项目提供资金,以清除铅管并减少饮用水中的铅暴露。


除了今天宣布的拨款,EPA 还发布了一份新备忘录,明确了各州该如何利用这笔拨款和其他拨款来最有效地减少饮用水中的铅暴露。此外,EPA 还编写了新宣传文件,帮助供水系统向其客户宣传饮用水问题、铅暴露对健康的影响、供水管道所有权,以及客户该如何为识别家中的潜在含铅供水管道提供支持。


宾夕法尼亚州西维尤水务局已通过《两党基础设施法》获得了 800 万美元拨款,用于更换社区服务欠佳地区(主要是阿勒格尼郡)的 750 条含铅供水管道。在这笔拨款中,有 540 多万美元可以免除,这减轻了纳税人和社区的整体财务负担。 亚利桑那州图森通过《两党基础设施法》获得了 695 万美元的拨款,用于为其九个公共供水系统编制含铅供水管道清单。该市将利用这份清单制定一项计划,以更换社区内的含铅供水管道,改善居民的饮用水质量,其中许多居民生活在低收入和弱势社区。 位于芝加哥和密尔沃基之间的威斯康星州基诺沙的社区一直走在州政府清除含铅供水管道工作的前列,他们将清除社区内的 5000 条含铅供水管道。为了加快含铅供水管道的清除工作,基诺沙正在与由《两党基础设施法》资助的 EPA 下属水务技术援助 (Water TA) 团队合作,帮助客户自行清查供水管道材料,以及申请联邦资金来清除和更换含铅供水管道。 位于北卡罗来纳州西部的东切罗基印第安人部落已获选接受《两党基础设施法》的含铅供水管道更换基金的资助,以为其土地上的五个公共供水系统进行供水管道清查并准备初步工程报告。

欲了解更多有关《两党基础设施法》的史无前例的投资如何改变全美各地社区的故事,请访问 EPA 的投资美国供水基础设施故事地图。欲了解更多正在进行的其他项目相关信息,请参阅 EPA 最近发布的两党基础设施法资助的清洁水和饮用水 SRF 项目季度报告,并访问州循环基金公共门户。  

今天的拨款基于 EPA 最新的第七次饮用水基础设施需求调查和评估 (DWINSA),其中包括对新提交信息的评估。迄今为止,这是收集和评估美国供水管道材料的最佳可用数据。今年夏末,EPA 将向国会发布第七次 DWINSA 报告的附录,其中将包括最新的含铅供水管道预测。EPA 预计将于 2025 年启动第八次 DWINSA 的数据收集工作,其中将包括与含铅供水管道有关的信息。

欲了解更多信息,包括各州 2024 年拨款的分配情况以及 EPA 饮用水州循环基金的详细信息,请访问 EPA 饮用水网站

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RSS feed source: US Environmental Protection Agency--Climate Change

EPA announces selectees under Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund grant competition to deliver solar to low-income and disadvantaged households through the President’s Investing in America agenda

April 23, 2024

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DALLAS, TEXAS (April 23, 2024) – As the Biden-Harris Administration celebrates Earth week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced the Texas Solar For All Coalition will receive $249.7 million and the Clean Energy Fund of Texas will receive $156.120 million through the Solar for All grant competition to develop long-lasting solar programs that enable low-income and disadvantaged communities to deploy and benefit from distributed residential solar. This award is part of the historic $27 billion Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, which was created under President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act to lower energy costs for families, create good-quality jobs in communities that have been left behind, advance environmental justice, and tackle the climate crisis.


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RSS feed source: US Environmental Protection Agency--Climate Change

EPA announces selectees under Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund grant competition to deliver solar to low-income and disadvantaged households through the President’s Investing in America agenda

April 23, 2024

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DALLAS, TEXAS (April 23, 2024) – As the Biden-Harris Administration celebrates Earth week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced the New Mexico Energy, Minerals & Natural Resources Department has been selected to receive $156,129,000 through the Solar for All grant competition to develop long-lasting solar programs that enable low-income and disadvantaged communities to deploy and benefit from distributed residential solar. This award is part of the historic $27 billion Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, which was created under President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act to lower energy costs for families, create good-quality jobs in communities that have been left behind, advance environmental justice, and tackle the climate crisis.

“Today we’re delivering on President Biden’s promise

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