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Job ID: 253919

PhD student position
Wayne State University Job Categories Graduate Student
Academic Fields Chemical/Petroleum
Bioengineering (all Bio-related fields)
Polymer Science

Research fields:Biomaterials and medical applications

PhD research assistant positions are available at Prof. Zhiqiang Cao’s lab at Wayne State University. Start date for the PhD student is summer or fall 2025. 

Cao lab uses a multidisciplinary approach, to study new materials and their translational applications in healthcare and biomedical engineering. Candidates with background in (1) polymer chemistry and biomaterials, or (2) biological and animal studies are welcome to apply. Specific research area is open,

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RSS Feed Source: Academic Keys

For decades, scientists have relied on electrodes and dyes to track the electrical activity of living cells. Now, engineers have discovered that quantum materials just a single atom thick can do the job with high speed and resolution — using only light.

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RSS Feed Source: Academic Keys

Radiactive Waste Facility Taken Over

Print View Posted on: 03 March 2025

Event Date: 02 March 2025 Event Type: Radiation Source Event Location: Mexico, Temascalapa, Mexico State, Mexico INES Rating: 2 (Provisional)

On March the 2nd,2025 at approximately 6:30 AM (UTC-6), personnel from the municipality of Temascalapa forcibly took over the
Low and Medium Level Radioactive Waste Storage Center (CADER), evicting the personnel from the National Institute of Nuclear
Research (ININ), who were working at the facility and subsequently placing seals of closure at the entrances.
The video surveillance and environmental radiation monitoring systems that CADER has were disabled and there is no way to
know the current status inside the Center.
Negotiations are being carried out between personnel from the government of the State of Mexico and the Municipality of
Temascalapa, without reaching agreements so far.
In addition to the radioactive material and depleted uranium that are being kept in the facility, work tools from a foreign company
were also retained inside it.
Currently, Federal Authorities are working to regain control of the facility.
The source term of the facility is estimated at approximately 1,041.55 TBq of Co-60 and its surface area is 16.2 HA

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