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RSS feed source: National Institute of Health

Notice of Early Expiration and Reissue of PAR-24-062, “Phased Research to Support Substance Use Epidemiology, Prevention, and Services Studies (R61/R33 Clinical Trials Optional)”

The purpose of this Notice is to alert applicants of the early termination of PAR-24-062, “Phased Research to Support Substance Use Epidemiology, Prevention, and Services Studies (R61/R33 Clinical Trials Optional)”. The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), PAR-24-062, will be terminated, effective immediately. No further applications will be accepted for consideration under this NOFO.

A new PAR to support “Phased Research to Support Substance Use Epidemiology, Prevention, and Services Studies (R61/R33 Clinical Trials Optional)” will be issued to correct review criteria. Applications for the new PAR will be due beginning on March 17, 2025.

Applicants are encouraged to consider applying to the new PAR (expected to be published in February 2025): PAR-25-386, “Phased Research to Support Substance

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