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Samuel Kaski’s research group Probabilistic Machine Learning is searching for postdocs to work on AI fundamentals in exciting projects. The work includes collaboration with the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI), the Centre for AI Fundamentals at the University of Manchester, the Alan Turing Institute, ELLIS and the new ELLIS Institute Finland, and researchers from other fields.

Prof Kaski is Professor of Computer Science in Aalto University and Professor of AI in the University of Manchester. He is Director of Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence and ELLIS Unit Helsinki. His research group develops machine learning principles and methods focusing on a few key topics (see “Machine learning foundations” below), often working with researchers of other fields in new exciting applications (see the other topics below).

Machine learning foundations
Keywords: probabilistic modelling, Bayesian inference, simulation-based / likelihood-free inference, multi-agent RL and collaborative AI, sequential decision

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