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RSS Feed Source: Academic Keys
Research Opportunities
Precision Agriculture, bioinformatics, System Biology, Genome Scale Model, metabolic maps plant sensing, physiological diagnostics.
Work description
Integrating data from optical sensors and multi-omics in systems biology (SB), where the metabolic pathways of the grapevine can be explored to understand the impact of genetic, environmental, and cultural practices on vine physiology/metabolism for the development of advanced precision agriculture models.
The candidate’s activities will be developed within the project: OmicBots – High-Throughput Integrative Biology Omics Robots Platform for ‘Next Generation Plant Physiology based Precision Viticulture’.
Academic Qualifications
PhD in Agrarian Sciences, Bioengineering, Bioinformatics/Systems Biology, Biotechnological Engineering, and related fields.
Minimum profile required
Precision and digital agriculture-SB: genome-scale metabolic models, graph analysis, flux balance analysis. AI-driven predictive models-Computers: R(Bioconductor), MATLAB (Comp. Biology), Python (eg. MEWpy, Cobrapy) and Bioinformatics for database searches. Experience with multi-omics integration (e.g. HPLC, GC_MS). Precision agriculture.
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