RSS feed source: National Science Foundation


The Combinatorics program supports research on discrete structures and includes algebraic, enumerative, existential, extremal, geometric, and probabilistic combinatorics, including graph theory.


Principal Investigators should carefully read the program solicitation “Conferences and Workshops in the Mathematical Sciences” (link below) to obtain important information regarding the substance of proposals for conferences, workshops, summer/winter schools, and similar activities.  Conference proposals must be submitted at least six months in advance of the conference, and in the same fiscal year (which begins October 1) if possible.

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RSS feed source: National Science Foundation

CMMI 19-004

February 19, 2019

Dear Colleagues:

The Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) announces a nationwide search to fill the Program Director position for the Engineering Design and Systems Engineering (EDSE) program.

NSF Program Directors have an unparalleled opportunity and responsibility to ensure that NSF-funded research is at the forefront of advancing fundamental knowledge. Within NSF, they work independently to manage their programs and cooperatively to help foster cross-cutting initiatives, such as those that bridge other NSF programs and directorates. Beyond NSF, Program Directors interact extensively with academic research communities, industry and other government agencies, both in the US and abroad. The EDSE program has a long and continuing tradition of productive engagement in all of these activities.

The Engineering Design and Systems Engineering (EDSE) program supports fundamental research across

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RSS feed source: National Science Foundation

AGS 19-001

March 22, 2019

Dear Colleagues:

The Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences, Directorate for Geosciences at the National Science Foundation (NSF) is conducting a nationwide search for qualified candidates to fill Program Director positions in the Atmosphere Section detailed below. Positions are expected to become available in the atmospheric science programs on a periodic basis as IPA rotators complete their stint and leave the Foundation. Formal consideration of applications will begin immediately and will continue as need arises and until a selection is made.

Activity seeking IPA candidates with a wide range of expertise in subject matters covered in the following Atmospheric Science programs:

The Climate and Large-Scale Dynamics Program supports research on processes that force and regulate the synoptic and planetary circulations, weather, and climate of the atmosphere.

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