RSS feed source: National Science Foundation

EECS 19-007

September 27, 2019

Dear Colleague:

The Directorate for Engineering (ENG) announces a nationwide search to fill the position of Director, Division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS) through an assignment under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA). The deadline for the submission of applications is November 21, 2019.

The Division Director provides leadership and direction to the Division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS), is a member of the Directorate for Engineering Leadership and Management Team and serves as NSF’s principal spokesperson in the engineering research areas supported by the ECCS Division. ECCS supports enabling and transformative engineering research at the nano, micro, and macro scales that fuels progress in engineering system applications with high societal impact. This includes fundamental engineering research underlying device and component technologies, power, controls, computation,

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RSS feed source: National Science Foundation


The National Science Foundation (NSF) Convergence Accelerator program addresses national-scale societal challenges through use-inspired convergence research. Using a convergence approach and innovation processes like human-centered design, user discovery, and team science and integration of multidisciplinary research, the Convergence Accelerator program seeks to transition basic research and discovery into practice—to solve high-impact societal challenges aligned with specific research themes (tracks). 

NSF Convergence Accelerator tracks are chosen in concordance with the themes identified during the program’s ideation process that have the potential for significant national impact. The NSF Convergence Accelerator implements a two-phase program. Both phases are described in this solicitation and are covered by this single solicitation and corresponding Broad Agency Announcement. The link to the corresponding Broad Agency Announcement can be found at The purpose of this parallel funding opportunity is to provide increased opportunities for proposals that are led by non‑academic entities. Proposals that

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RSS feed source: National Science Foundation


The program in Foundations supports research in mathematical logic and the foundations of mathematics, including proof theory, recursion theory, model theory, set theory, and infinitary combinatorics.


Principal Investigators should carefully read the program solicitation “Conferences and Workshops in the Mathematical Sciences” (link below) to obtain important information regarding the substance of proposals for conferences, workshops, summer/winter schools, and similar activities.  Conference and workshop proposals should be submitted eight months before the requested start date.

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