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RSS feed source: National Science Foundation

Scientists have presented a new way to detect permanent distortions in the fabric of space-time predicted to be caused by certain supernovae explosions. The proposed strategy could allow researchers to study these deformations or “scars” in space-time within the Milky Way galaxy using a network of existing gravitational wave detectors, including the U.S. National Science Foundation Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (NSF LIGO). Detecting the presence of space-time scars, a phenomenon called gravitation-wave memory, was previously thought to be beyond the capabilities of any existing research facility.

Gravitational-wave memory is the permanent warping of space-time that is theorized to occur when forces from exceptionally massive events like a dying star’s core-collapse supernova ripple outward and alter the relative positions of points in space. Studying the ways these massive explosions alter space-time could help scientists better understand the fundamental nature of gravity.

Credit: Michael Fyffe and LIGO Lab

An aerial view of the U.S. National Science Foundation Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (NSF LIGO) detector in Livingston, Louisiana in 2023. NSF LIGO has two such detectors that work together in unison to detect gravitational waves. The other detector is located in Hanford, Washington.

Led by University of Tennessee doctoral student Colter Richardson, the researchers focused their study on using the existing international network of gravitational

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