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RSS feed source: National Institute of Health

This Notice provides information regarding the salary limitation for AHRQ grant and cooperative agreement awards and extramural research and development contract awards.

Since 1990, Congress has legislatively mandated a limitation on direct salary for individuals under AHRQ grant and cooperative agreement awards (referred to here as a grant) and contract awards. The mandate appears in the annual appropriation act that provides authority for AHRQ to incur obligations for a given Fiscal Year (FY). At this time, AHRQ has not received an FY 2025 appropriation and is operating under a Continuing Resolution, the “Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act, 2025 (Public Law 118-83)”, that applies the terms and conditions of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024.

The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 restricts the amount of direct salary to Executive Level II of the Federal Executive pay scale. The Office of Personnel Management recently released new salary levels for the

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